emerald mermaid


I learn something new every time I sculpt. I am certainly learning about different types of glazes and their overall effect in combination with the type of clay used. This is my third and largest mermaid mug to date. I even based her face on photos of Lily Aldridge. I wanted to use a glaze that would allow as much of the detail to show through as possible. While the mouth area turned out a little darker than I had expected, the overall sheen and finish on the rest of the piece is much more gorgeous than these photos capture. Thanks always to the Ceramic Art Studio and Shop.


emerald mermaid front

Emerald mermaid front


 emerald mermaid side

Emerald mermaid side


emerald mermaid side

Emerald mermaid side


emerald mermaid

Post sanding and pre-glaze. I just noticed that I had used a can of Starbucks coffee (with their famous piscine female logo) to prop her up - this was totally unintentional.