Category: Sculptures


Tuco was born in the remote back woods of Maryland and was the discard from his litter as he was born with extra toes on his feet. We adopted him in 2006 from a toothless meth addict living in a squalid trailer with a rear projection TV, a satellite dish, and a coffee table full of unemptied ashtrays. When we brought him home we immediately dewormed him, and at the advice of our vet at the time, had his extra digits surgically removed. Unfortunately the procedure must have traumatized him because to this day he does not like anyone touching his paws. We figure Tuco is about 60 in human years as of 2017. The black fur is actually a dark ceramic glaze, same as the one used for my White Tiger. My thanks to the Ceramic Art Studio and Shop.










Tuco (Top) and his ceramic tribute (Bottom).



Tuco Wet Clay Model